How Authors Can Connect with Bookstagram and BookTok Influencers
The Bookstagram or BookTok influencers are often flooded with direct messages, emails, comments, and requests - getting their attention can be very difficult. So I wanted to give you three tips that authors can put to work to work to connect with book influencers.

Bad Instagram Advice Authors Should Avoid
We are bombarded with information on a daily basis. Sometimes it’s hard to know what’s right and what’s wrong. In this post I share three pieces of bad advice that authors should stay away from.

Five of the Best Instagram Growth Tips for Authors
I’m going to be honest with you - growing an audience on Instagram can feel like pushing a boulder up a steep hill. Is it possible to actually see growth? Absolutely. But you need to have the right strategy and information to make it work.

How Authors Can Grow An Engaged Audience on Instagram
If you’re struggling to grow your audience on Instagram or if you’re just starting out and can’t get the engagement you’re looking for, there is hope!

How Authors Can Increase Visibility on Instagram
With more and more people using Instagram, sometimes it feels like it’s impossible for our posts to actually be seen by the right people and to grow our platform with our ideal readers. Thankfully, the solution isn’t complicated or time consuming. So I wanted to share four ways you can increase visibility on Instagram and connect with your ideal readers.

Four Things Authors Can Do to Grow On Instagram Every Week
Growing your audience on Instagram doesn’t need to take a lot of time. In fact, it should take no more than 10 minutes a day. Here are four tasks that you can put to work to start growing your audience on Instagram.

Why You’re Losing Instagram Followers and How to Fix It
Here are six reasons why readers are unfollowing you and what you should do instead to grow a solid audience on Instagram.

The New Rules for Instagram Hashtags
Popping a bunch of hashtags in your Instagram posts without really thinking about it isn’t going to do you much good.
So let’s break the hashtag rules down so you can create a winning hashtag strategy of your own!

How We Went from Zero to 17,000 Followers on Instagram
We take you behind the scenes to show authors exactly what we did to do to grow a strong and authentic Instagram audience.

Three Things Authors Need to Stop Doing to Grow an Instagram Following
There are some great ways to engage with your readers and grow a thriving Instagram audience. And there are some strategies - like the ones mentioned in this blog post - that are not. Make sure you're not making these mistakes!

How to Know When Your Readers Are Online
Knowing when your readers are actually online can insure your posts are seen and you can see greater engagement.

Do Authors Need to Be on Instagram Stories?
If you find yourself asking, “What is the point of Instagram Stories?” this will help you understand their importance and what role they play.

The One Thing Authors Can Do to Dramatically Boost Their Visibility on Instagram
If you do this one thing, you will see a dramatic increase in your visibility on Instagram.

Five of My Best Instagram Tips for Authors
These are some of my best and most effective tips for you to make a genuine connection with readers and see powerful results.

Three Things Authors Should Not Do on Instagram
Are you an author making these mistakes on Instagram? I'll show you what you might be doing wrong and how to fix it!

How Authors Can Build a Thriving Audience on Instagram
If you're struggling to grow or connect with readers on Instagram, this post is for you! Find out my best strategies and tips to dramatically grow your audience on Instagram.

70 Conversation Starters for Social Media Engagement
70 quick conversation starter ideas that will help authors build massive engagement and increase your visibility.