The New Rules for Instagram Hashtags
Popping a bunch of hashtags in your Instagram posts without really thinking about it isn’t going to do you much good.
So let’s break the hashtag rules down so you can create a winning hashtag strategy of your own!

How We Went from Zero to 17,000 Followers on Instagram
We take you behind the scenes to show authors exactly what we did to do to grow a strong and authentic Instagram audience.

Three Things Authors Need to Stop Doing to Grow an Instagram Following
There are some great ways to engage with your readers and grow a thriving Instagram audience. And there are some strategies - like the ones mentioned in this blog post - that are not. Make sure you're not making these mistakes!

How to Know When Your Readers Are Online
Knowing when your readers are actually online can insure your posts are seen and you can see greater engagement.

The One Thing Authors Can Do to Dramatically Boost Their Visibility on Instagram
If you do this one thing, you will see a dramatic increase in your visibility on Instagram.

5 Mistakes That Keep Readers From Following Authors on Social Media
Are you making these mistakes with your social media? You might unknowingly be turning readers away. Find out how to easily fix it!

How to Market Your Book If You’re an Introvert
If you're struggling to put yourself and your book out there, this post will be a huge help (and relief!) for you. I share five tips that introverted authors can use to master book marketing struggles.

Four Ways Authors Can Create More by Doing Less
Authors can accomplish more with their book marketing by working smarter and not harder with their content. Here I share four ways authors can apply this to their marketing to save time and see bigger results.

My Secret to Creating Successful Social Media Posts
If you're struggling to create social media posts that create connection, grow your audience, and help you sell more books, this post is for you!

10 Secrets to Being Less Overwhelmed With Book Marketing
What authors need to know to feel less overwhelmed, be more productive, and see bigger results from your marketing efforts.

20 Book Marketing Ideas That Take 10 Minutes Or Less
If you find yourself short on time, these book marketing tips that take 10 minutes or less are for you!

When and How To Get Book Reviews - Without Having to Beg or Bribe
The author's step-by-step guide to help you get reviews for your book!

How Authors Can Build An Audience From Scratch
A step-by-step strategy to help authors grow an audience quickly - even if you're starting at zero!

How to pick the best domain for your website
Picking the right domain name is an essential element to your overall branding as an author. In this article we talk you through elements you need to consider.

6 Reasons Why We Register Domains With Hover Instead of GoDaddy
We want to share with you the best resources out there to make your website efficient, informative, and make it as stress free as possible. Where you register your domain has a lot to do with that. To save yourself many headaches, check this article.

Your Checklist For Creating A New Website
We have created a check list to help you gather the content you need to make things go smoothly - whether you plan on doing it yourself or hiring someone like Mixtus Media to do it for you.

10 Prescribed Features for Exceptional Websites
If you are unsure what you need to include on your website or what it needs to make sure it is the best representation of you and your career, here are 10 features you need to be aware of.